Saturday, December 28, 2019
Counseling Should Make A Difference - 994 Words
ENC 1101 Final Essay Jacob Buxton Fall, 2014 Counseling Would Make a Difference According to Huff Post Divorce, Divorce Rate by State, per 1000 residents in America 12.3 of them get divorced. (Huff Post)With the divorce rate steadily climbing, I believe that every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go through counseling before being granted a divorce. This law can help married couples on the verge of divorce resolve their issues and build happier, more successful relationships. Marriage counselors are trained to address all kinds of relationship issues, including problems with communication and finances. These two inconveniences are the most common setbacks that aid in the result of†¦show more content†¦In fact, though, studies concluded from corporate training companies like VitalSmarts have shown that we exhibit the same communication skills at work as we do at home. (Trunk 1) The reason why we falsely accuse ourselves of having different communication skills when dealing with issues at home is because getting fired is not just a new job hunt. Counseling is a way for couples to come to a consensus on what they want in a marriage. Attending counseling is also a way for couples who have a hard time communicating to be able to have a third party that is uninvolved in both of the partner’s lives to give an outside opinion. Couples often experience their first time really communicating while attending counseling. A lot of the time couples experience some sort of epiphany while seeing a counselor for a few months. One of the most common problems in an early marriage is the lack
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Documentary The Sixteenth Man - 538 Words
The documentary the 16th man tells the story of the South African rugby team winning the 1995 World Cup during a time when racial equality was a major issue. The whites were in power in the country of South Africa and judging others based simply by their skin color. According to the video blacks outnumbered whites 6 to 1, but still did not have the right to vote as the whites had complete control. Both sides were at odds with each other fueled by anger and unjustified resentment. Then when the 1995 rugby World Cup was being held in South Africa the South African team was heavy underdogs. The big news though was one of the better players on the team was a black man. This created some pride among their race and brought their attention to the games. South Africa ended up shocking the world as they won the World Cup. This was big news and had a tremendous impact on their fans. However, the biggest impact could not be measured by a trophy. The victory brought people together. A llowed people to realize there was no need for the fighting and that they were not so different after all. The 1995 South African rugby team highlights how sport can unite people, proving that social and political resolutions can be developed through sport. Nelson Mandela as a peaceful leader of the South African black community he realized what sports could do for dying down the racial tension. The sport was bringing everyone together. Instead of picking racial sides everyone was combined asShow MoreRelatedSlavery : The State Of Being A Slave1195 Words  | 5 Pagesgoing on over seas and started in the US around 1619, in the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. The Slaves during that time were used to help the fields and crops such as cotton and tobacco. C.) However, slavery began long before that time. In the sixteenth century Europe traded slaves around the world. The Dutch imported slaves from Asia in to a colony in South Africa. Europe’s economy grew as they continued to sell these people around the world. D.) There are five types of slavery which include. ForcedRead MoreAnalysis Of â€Å"Unforgivable Blackness†Essay870 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis Of â€Å"Unforgivable Blackness†The documentary, â€Å"Unforgivable Blackness†directed by Ken Burns casts light on the extraordinary life story of legendary boxer Jack Johnson. The documentary is about the barriers Jack Johnson had to overcome to satisfy his hunger for becoming the best and living â€Å"The American Dream.†Johnson had humble beginnings in Galveston, Texas and it was in those beginnings that glimpses of his bright future were slowly but surely beginning to show. Through out hisRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln861 Words  | 4 PagesIn the year 1865 on April 14, five days after Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, one of America s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was shot and killed by a man named John Wilkes Booth. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Slave Trade the Industrial Revolution free essay sample
The Atlantic slave trade was a key driving force to the industrial revolution in Britain Britain experienced a huge industrial development from 1750 onwards. This development led to Britain being one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The changes and development happened at the same period of time that the slave trade was at its peak and Britain was one of the countries most heavily involved. Britain also played the biggest role in the trade out of any other European country. Is this merely coincidence or is there a connection between these two?Was the slave trade causing Britains growth in economy and industrial development? Seeing as the ports, such as the ports in Bristol and Liverpool became wealthy, more jobs were created, and individuals who became wealthy from the slave trade invested their money into the development of industries, it is safe to say that the Atlantic slave trade played the main role in the industrial revolution. We will write a custom essay sample on Slave Trade the Industrial Revolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By the end of the 1 7th century an enormous amount of slaves were being transported by the British, twice as many slaves as their closest competitors, the Dutch. In the 18th century about 1 100 ships were fitted out in England for the slave trade. There are also estimates that about 3 million people were transported into slavery in the 18th century. Because of this, the economy benefited hugely and from the profits made, Britain was able to afford the development in the industry. In the triangular trade, things were beginning to be on demand from the British, such as glassware, copper and guns. The products sold to the people were sold at a about three times their original price meaning a huge profit was being made.The profits brought in had a ere positive effect on the economy growth. This therefore leads us to belief that the triangular trade played an important role in the rise of Britains economy. Many of the ports, such as Liverpool, became very wealthy during the slave trade. This was mainly because of the tax price on goods that were brought in and out of these ports. London and Bristol were the most important slave trading cities but were soon overtaken by Liverpool, which meant that Liverpool was making amazing profits from the trade. Liverpool soon became the largest slave trading port in the Atlantic slave trade system.From this, Liverpool gained a lot of money from taxes on imports and exports which was hugely beneficial to the economy. The government gained about 5% of their income from the taxes paid on these ports which meant that the slave trade was accumulating significant amounts if money. Many jobs were also created by the trade as dockworkers, slammers, sailors and ship reporters were needed. Because of the job increase, the economy grew because of taxes and there were fewer unemployed people. From all the money that was being accumulated from the slave trade, Britain as able to finance a lot of new technology, such as the steam engine.This proves that the slave trade was highly involved in the industrial revolution. Huge profits were being made by investors, merchants and plantation owners and they were investing these profits into banking, insurance and the development of industries which allowed Britain to develop and advance in technology. New machines and techniques also came with the revolution and it also had a revolutionary effect on farming and manufacturing goods. New factories were developed and the manufacture of cotton became very important and a lot of he cotton being supplied by Britain was produced by slave labor.The invention of the Steam engine soon followed the development in factories. It is one of the most famous inventions of the industrial revolution which was invented by James Watt. It was a new way to obtain energy and could be put to work in almost every industry. This invention was financed by the money made from the slave trade. It has been argued among many historians that the slave trade did not play a significant role in the Industrial revolution but as we study the evidence we re given it becomes clearer that it did in fact play a huge role.In the book by Eric William, Capitalism and Slavery, we understand this by a quote: The settlement of the new world by Europeans depended on the enslavement of millions of black people, who accumulated the money that brought about the industrial revolution. This statement proves the argument. It describes to us that the industrial revolution was built on and made possible by the money made because of the slave trade. British people are also coming to acknowledge that the slave trade did play a ITIL role in their development.An example of this is in Liverpool, a gallery is set up to commemorate their connection with the slave trade. This also indicates that the slave trade had a significant role in the development in the economy of Liverpool. If we study the evidence and sources it is transparent enough for us to see what effect the slave trade have on Britain. It not only created huge positive change in the economy but on the development if industries and inventions. It is therefore made clear that it was a key driving force in the industrial revolution.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Innovation Business Education in Emerging Markets
Question: Discuss about theInnovation for Business Education in Emerging Markets. Answer: Introduction Variations make things beautiful and interesting. The idea not only applies in every aspects of life and that includes business as well. Once a businessperson makes innovation and brings positive changes, in the business, the business will soar high. Companies bring innovation for various reasons. Some does not want the business to be monotonous, while some want to rectify past failures and mistakes (Amit, Zott, 2012). However, the path of innovation is not easy. The company has to face certain issues and barriers. The company has to overcome the issues and brings in the changes in the organization. It is important that the organizations plan the innovation intelligently (Schaltegger, Ldeke-Freund, Hansen, 2012). If the innovation is brought after some problems faced by the company, the organization should take extra care and before any innovation in the organization (Onetti, Zucchella, Jones, McDougall-Covin, 2012). The following report will mainly evaluate the functions of Toyota in the art of New Zealand. It will look into the changes brought into by Toyota, the innovation model followed by Toyota. The barriers that came in the path of the innovation and the process of overcoming the issues will also be studied. The write-up will help the readers in knowing the importance of innovation and the issues that will come in the path of innovation. Issues that will Influence Performance Toyota has been facing issues regarding the recall from the New Zealand market ("About Toyota", 2016). In the year 2015, 420 vehicles were recalled from the market, which included Voltz and Pronard models that were manufactured in the year 2001 and 2004 ("Precautionary recalls announced for Toyota vehicles", 2016). The model had to be recalled mainly because of the faulty airbags. The models were dated to be recalled in the year 2013. However, Toyota stopped the certain models when they found there are still chances of recall due to the same reason. The vehicles had to recall mainly because of the faulty spiral cable, seat rail, steering column bracket for the new vehicles that have been introduced in the market by Toyota. The new models that were affected are the RAV4, Prado, Gulux, Belta, Ist, Ractis, Vitz and Yaris. Toyota Ractis is one of the imported models that are being affected due to the faulty parts ("Toyota New Zealand issues recall for 420 vehicles - Business - NZ Herald News", 2016). The part that is affected in the imported models is the drain outlet. Toyota has taken measures to give the customers proper services so that do not have to face any issue in the future. Toyota has understood if they had evaluated the problems beforehand and has taken measures that do not have to recall any of the vehicles. However, to handle the customers, Toyota has sent the notification letter to the customers and advised them to contact the dealer. The repair will be free for the customers and will be done within duration of one to three hours. Innovation to Tackle the Issues As Toyota has been facing issues, it is time for the company to implement innovations in their models as well as their business. The electric car is one of the famous ventures of Toyota that it could implement in New Zealand. The models of Toyota has been facing issues and had to be recalled due to the faulty parts from the market of New Zealand. Toyota has already made a bad impression on the minds of the people due to the faulty parts in the models for which they had to recall the cars. The electric cars will be environmental friendly and will help the company to maintain their environmental sustainability. To implement the innovation, Tuckers innovation model will help the organization to implement the products in a better manner. Figure 1: Tuckers innovation model (Source: Tucker, 2001) The tuckers innovation model talks about the fact that innovation is a continuous process. The model talks about eight building blocks of innovation. The blocks are: Innovation strategy and definition Leading and championing innovation Resource allocation Developing innovation skills Management rewards and metrics Cultivating the culture Involving the whole enterprise Collaborating with the customers and stakeholders The electric cars will be the innovation strategy for the change that Toyota will be making in the market. However, if Toyota wants to launch a new model, the company should know the techniques and should be a champion in that innovation. To implementation the new types of car, the resources should be allocated well. Toyota needed to hire people who know the mechanism well as these kinds of people will help the organization to innovate the new products. The employees need to be rewarded once the new product will launched in the market (Halme, Lindeman, Linna, 2012). The management should reward the employees who will be the main force behind the work and they should. Innovation the product and launching it in the market will not help the organization, they should keep a constant follow up on the performance of the products in the market (Bock, Opsahl, George, Gann, 2012). The entire organization should be involved in the launch of the electric car. The employees who are not directl y involved in the project should take part in the innovation so that they are regularly updated with the happenings in the company (Boons, Ldeke-Freund, 2013). Educating the entire population of the organization will help the organization for facing the future challenges. To launch a new product, the issues that will rise are in the financial part (Amit, Zott, 2012). The company will need interested stakeholders who will help the organization in the launching of the car. The new car will help in attracting the customers who have drifted away due to the faulty car parts in the Toyota models. The electric car will be help in the sustainability of the environment, as it will not use petrol. It is expected that the people who are living in the country will accept it even after the issues if faulty parts. Implementation of the Innovation The implementation of the new innovation of the electric car model in the New Zealand market was not that easy as the customers were not familiar with this type of vehicle so there was some type of risks. The company Toyota has entered the marketed with the premium quality luxurious electric vehicles and standard range of vehicles. The main advantage that the company Toyota possessed is a house of best expertise in the Research and Development laboratories. The labs have developed powerful batteries for the cars and latest re charging technology, which is a very important thing that will help the company to gather a large market share for the product (Alon, Jones, McIntyre, 2013). The main motive of Toyota is to make this car more popular as there as there will be lower pressure on the conventional resources like the fossil fuel. The pollution emitted by the cars will also be minimized in the process. The company Toyota to make the use of the electric cars common among people has de cided on building a network of charging stations around the world. The recharge will help to deliver charge of 200 miles for half an hour (Toda, Salazar, SaitoÃÅ'„, 2013). The main reason for this is that the there are charging stations that take several hours to charge. The customer who has purchased the product was wooed by this innovation, as there was no need for them to visit the gas station. The cost of recharging the car was just a few dollars. The electric cars also needed a single gear for driving at all type of speeds, which was undoubtedly powerful, and surprising (Clausen, Ten Hompel, Meier, 2014). There is a need of gasoline and there is no emitting of polluted gases. It is expected that the whole process of manufacturing until the time of the disposal the electric cars they tend to produce 40% lesser carbon ozone and carbon dioxide than that of the conventional cars. Since the company has come with an innovative model, there is a greater possibility that it wo uld be receiving subsidies by the government due to their innovative idea and promotion (Toda, Salazar, SaitoÃÅ'„, 2013). The company has studied from the market research that New Zealand market has a huge demand for the electric cars. There is a no need for the customers to make huge maintenance cost (Tellis, 2013). There is a no need for the customers to lubricate the engine from time to time so that the engine functions properly. Identification of the Barriers in Path of Innovation: The innovation by Toyota was not that easy as there are a number of barriers that the company has to confront in order to achieve success in the New Zealand market. The company undoubtedly possessed excellent innovation methods yet it was difficult for it to make a position in the market of electric cars (Caldwell, 2012). Some of the renowned branded car companies like General Motors, BMW, Mercedez Benz, Ford and Tesla Motors dominate the electric car market. The expertise that Toyota Company had was not same as that of rival companies. This has made it difficult to market the products to the customers (Michelini, 2012). Apart from the designing the model of the electric cars, there is a need for the development of the electric fuelling stations in almost in all the famous locations and the remote places where the customers drive with their cars. When the customers they drive for a long trip and there is no charge in the car a lack of fuel station will keep the passenger stranded (Ferrara LaMeau, 2012). The electric cars are not much in demand by the younger population as they are more fascinated by the fuel based powered engines. It is expected by them that the use of the electric cars have lesser performance than that of the fuel-enriched cars (Ferrara LaMeau, 2012). The electric cars would not give the speed that is provided by the fuel-based engines. The electric cars are only based on the electricity as a source of power. There is a need for the customers to make their decision of purchases prior to making the investment. The electricity is not freely available but there is some cost that is incurred by the purchasers on electricity. The innovation of the electric cars is undoubtedly great but the mileage that the car provides is not that great. The electric cars have a limited range and speed. The maximum speed ranges from 50 to 100 miles and there is a need to recharge them again and again. Driving for the purpose of long distances is no suitable for this type of cars (McCrorey, 2012). There is a need for overcoming this setback. The recharge time is also longer in the electric vehicle. The electric cars take 4 to 6 hours to recharge fully unlike the fuel cars that recharges within a couple of minutes from the time of recharge. Thus, with innovation of the electric car model, the company Toyota faces a number of innovations disadvantage. Overcoming the Barriers The company Toyota has a number of barriers that they have to overcome. The company needs to hire excellent expertise men so that they are able get the maximum advantage from the innovation. Hiring of the expertise can be done when they are given a much higher salary than that of the other competitor organization like the company General Motors, Ford and BMW. The company Toyota should not only invest in the manufacturing of the cars but also invest in the building up of the fuel station in a number of locations. The customers will then be eager to buy this car but the only fear that they posses is that is they run out of charge where they get to charge their electric cars. The company Toyota should treat developing the Electric stations and electric cars complementary so that they are able to attract more number of customers for their product. The main aim of the company Toyota is to attract the demand of the younger population of New Zealand as they have immense craze for different models of the cars but the only thing that the company should do is to increase the power of the electric cars as this the factor that the young customers they look out for. The battery of the cars must be powerful like that of the fuel-efficient cars (May, 2012). The electric cars manufactured by Toyota is based only on electricity which is a disadvantage for the company as they would be getting customers who prefer only electric cars. The electric cars should also have the option of fuel. This will help in attracting all range of customers. The availability of electricity is not always certain so keeping the availability of both the energy-based option will be able to give more number of customers. This would satisfy the all type of customer demand. The company Toyota should collaborate with the government so that they are able to provide efficient cars (McCrorey, 2012). The cars manufactured will have the government sanction and this will help in increasing the demand of the customers. The authenticity by the government is a guarantee, which the customers consider in buying the product (Macaulay, 2012). There is a need for the company Toyota to set up after sales services for the cars sold. The service centers should be available in all the main cities of New Zealand. There should be provision of free services for the whole one year after the purchase of the electric services. All sorts of damage need to be covered under the after sales service of the customers. Conclusion Innovation is an integral part of the business. There is a need for all company to understand that with innovation to gain success. Incorporating innovation in business is very important, as there is a need for the company is change as per the demand of the customers and the changing environment. The company Toyota before the implementation of innovation in the product must consider the review of the customers. The company Toyota had a very rough journey in New Zealand as there are feedbacks from the customers regarding the faulty steering, seat rail, spiral cable in many of the cars. This has resulted in the loss of a large market share in New Zealand. The company Toyota also wanted to revive itself in the New Zealand car market so they have come up with the strategy of incorporating the Tucker innovation model in the manufacturing of the electric car. The innovation model will be able to help in the efficient allocation of the resources for the company Toyota. This would help in co llaborating the stakeholders and the customers. The electric vehicles in the market have number of advantages and disadvantages which the company needs to overcome. The expertise is needed for making innovation in the electric car market. References About Toyota. (2016) Retrieved 23 June 2016, from Alon, I., Jones, V., McIntyre, J. (2013).Innovation in business education in emerging markets. [Basingstoke]: Palgrave Macmillan. Amit, R., Zott, C. (2012). Creating value through business model innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(3), 41. Bock, A. J., Opsahl, T., George, G., Gann, D. M. (2012). The effects of culture and structure on strategic flexibility during business model innovation.Journal of Management Studies,49(2), 279-305. Boons, F., Ldeke-Freund, F. (2013). Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda.Journal of Cleaner Production,45, 9-19. Caldwell, G. (2012). Waste and the NHS: lessons from Toyota.Br J Healthcare Management,18(1), 9-12. Clausen, U., Ten Hompel, M., Meier, J. (2014).Efficiency and innovation in logistics. Cham: Springer. Ferrara, M. LaMeau, M. (2012).Innovation masters. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning. Halme, M., Lindeman, S., Linna, P. (2012). Innovation for inclusive business: Intrapreneurial bricolage in multinational corporations.Journal of Management Studies,49(4), 743-784. Macaulay, L. (2012).Case studies in service innovation. New York, NY: Springer. May, M. (2012). The Elegant Solution: The Toyota Innovation Model.Strategic Direction,24(3). McCrorey, D. (2012).Innovation in a reinvented world. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Michelini, L. (2012).Social innovation and new business models. Berlin: Springer. Onetti, A., Zucchella, A., Jones, M. V., McDougall-Covin, P. P. (2012). Internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship: business models for new technology-based firms.Journal of Management Governance,16(3), 337-368. Precautionary recalls announced for Toyota vehicles. (2016).Toyota. Retrieved 23 June 2016, from Schaltegger, S., Ldeke-Freund, F., Hansen, E. G. (2012). Business cases for sustainability: the role of business model innovation for corporate sustainability.International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development,6(2), 95-119. Tellis, G. (2013).Unrelenting innovation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Toda, K., Salazar, A., SaitoÃÅ'„, K. (2013).Automotive painting technology. Dordrecht: Springer. Toyota New Zealand issues recall for 420 vehicles - Business - NZ Herald News. (2016).The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 23 June 2016, from Tucker, R. B. (2001). Innovation: The new core competency.Strategy Leadership,29(1), 11-14.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing Essays - Human Resource Management
The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing Besides hiring workers through their company, businesses often choose to lease or rent them from outside leasing companies. The term outsourcing is referred to as using leased employees or hiring outside staff. These employees can be noted as temporaries, temps, contract employees, or casual workers. Throughout the past decade, this practice has become a more accepted method for hiring firms to attain the services of outside workers. This fairly new business practice can be benefiting to the business although in some ways it may be inadequate. Employee leasing can give you many benefits that can be obtained by hiring independent workers. The leasing company hires highly trained and experienced workers who are brought in only when needed and then are disposed at the end. This becomes an opportunity for the business to use sufficient workers without the trauma and expense of laying off their own employees. This is by far easier for the employee and the employer due to the intermediary which is the leasing company. This intermediary takes away the unnecessary steps which often occur in business situations. Another contributing factor in having leased employees benefiting the company is the fact that you do not have to pay and withhold federal and state payroll taxes for these people. The leased employee does not require benefits or workers' compensation. This cuts out the costs a great deal for the company. In most cases, leased employees have a certain expertise, which eliminates the need to train former employees to do jobs involved with the area in which a skill is needed to learn. In the case where a company has employees with a lack of internet skills, the leased employee can definitely be used in a positive manner.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
My Life Journey and Where I Am Today Essay Example
My Life Journey and Where I Am Today Essay Example My Life Journey and Where I Am Today Essay My Life Journey and Where I Am Today Essay When I look back on my life’s goal, I had a perfect life planned out. At age 34, I should be looking forward for retirement but today I am a freshman in college. What I have learned on my life journey is that life does not always turn out the way we imagine or dream. I have had many deep valleys in my lifetime. There were days I did not know I would be where I am today. This paper will be looking at my joys and sorrows. It will also point out the reason why I decided to go to college at this point of my life. Where I was born I was born in a Clarendon, Jamaica. Clarendon is a parish in Jamaica. It is located on the south of the island, roughly half-way between the islands eastern and western ends. Located in the county of Middlesex, it is bordered by Manchester. Clarendon was named in honor of the celebrated Lord Chancellor, Sir Edward Hyde, and Earl of Clarendon. The parish was formed from a combination of three parishes: St. Dorothys, Vere and the old parish of Clarendon. Before the merger, the capital was Chapelton. The current capital, May Pen, was established as a plantation settlement by the British between 1660 and 1683 on a crossing point of the Rio Minho River. May Pen is now said to be the fastest growing rural town close to Kingston. It is well located from an administrative point of view, in the centre of a largely agricultural area, and as a midpoint on the Kingston to Manchester road. The capital of the parish, May Pen, is located at latitude 17 °44N, longitude 77 °09W. Covering an area of 1,196 sq km, Clarendon ranks as the third largest parish. The parish is predominantly a wide plain, marked by several rivers, including the Rio Minho River, which runs the length of the parish. Toward the northern end of the parish lies the Mocho Mountain, (200 ft), and Bull Head Mountain range (2800 ft), which is considered to be the geographical centre of the island. The Vere plain are other significant geographical features.. My Childhood History I was the third of the three children. I have an older sister Suzanne and an older brother. I am from a Christian family. Whenever the doors of the church are open, we were always there. Even if it was to clean the church or water flowers garden, we were always at church. I think there is still a spot on the front bench at the church where my face left a spot from sleep during church services. I lost my mother at age eleven. I was very close to my mother so I took my mother’s death real hard. The thing that kept us strong was the strong family tide we had with the church. My Childhood Memory My best family memories were the time we spend as a family before my mom passed away. We would go to the beach some weekends and special occasions. My dad had and still does have a pick-van. We would pack food and travel to the beach with family and friends and we would have a good time. I think my mom was the best Jamaican cook there was. We would have best friend chicken and the best pastry we could ever have. We always spend time as a family praying together and studying the Bible. I am where I am today because of the God fearing parents I had. Another special memory of my childhood days was our church camp, talent and sports. These are events no young persons who are involved with the church miss. On these events we out meet young people from all over Jamaica and compete in different events. I have built lifelong friends from all these events. Each summer I go back to Jamaica just to revisit these memorable events. My Role Model After losing my mother at such a young age, I become very reversed and did not talk much. There was a young lady my Pastor’s daughter Janeth who had influenced my life. She could call me on the phone or just look at me and tell me what kind of the day I was having. Janeth is a, â€Å"Jack of all Trade†. She knew how to reach young hurting person like me. We have had so many sleepless nights when she comfort me from just hurting about the lost of my mother and the many other things that was going on my life. Today Janeth and I have maintained a bond because of her ministry to a hurting heart like mine. My Educational Goal When I was in high school, I had a perfect life mapped out. I finish high school, enter college and I could not stop until I get my PHD. My life did not turn out as planned. I have always had a passion for working with troubled children. I know there are many children who have been through what I have been through and even worst. I have dedicated my life to reach out to hurt children. As I said before, our hopes and dreams do not always come true. After many years of working jobs just to bring home a paycheck; I decided I wanted to get myself equipped so I can work a job that love. I made up my mind to go back to school. With the schedule I had, going to a traditional college was out of the question. I looked at many different universities. I actually started University of Phoenix but I did not think the professors there was compassionate about their students like me who was going though chemotherapy at the time. When I spoke with one Nicole Lynch, she was kind and compassionate and I wanted to be a part of university that had supportive employees. After one conversation with Nicole, I left like I knew her for years. My Set Backs In 1995 when I was ready to go to college I was diagnosed with cancer. All my hopes and dreams were scattered. The doctors told me I did not have a lot of time. I was told I would not have children. When you serve a faithful God, only God have the last word. After many years of struggling with cancer and asking the why me questions, I was in remission. I know God has always been faithful. I then thought I found the perfect gentleman. Only to behold he was not the man for me. He started physically abusing me. I so happy I have supportive friends and families who have prayed with me to seek God’s guidance in my martial situation. I have always say divorce was not an option in my life. I could not stay in a marriage when my husband uses me has a pushing bag. With the help of my church, family and friends, I got out of my marriage with only scares. One day I was very discourage and I was having my quiet time early one morning and this Bible verse came to me, I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord Jeremiah 30:17. I have held on to this bible verse until today. Theoretical Reflection Although I do not fully agree with Eriksons theory of development, I can apply it to explain situations that have occurred while working in a college setting. I do not agree with the fundamental Erikson premise that unconscious and emotional behaviors, and the conflicts which arise from them, can explain human behaviors over a lifetime. Erikson divides the human life into eight stages, beginning at infancy and ending in aging and death. In each stage, a conflict must be resolved in order to move on to the next stage. Although I do not agree with Ericksons theory, three of his stages contain conflicts which explain student motivation and behavior in a college setting. I can recall several situations where Trust vs. Mistrust, Identity vs. Identity Confusion, and Intimacy vs. Isolation can reasonably explain student actions that seemed irrational to others observing the ordeals. Boyd and Bee (2006) stated that, â€Å"The conflicts of Trust vs. Mistrust and Intimacy vs. Isolation explain students dating and relationship behaviors. Often young women embark on their first real relationships in college. If they suffered abuse as children, conflicts may still exist in their Trust vs. Mistrust stage; because of this, they may not be able to establish solid relationships. Likewise, other students may enter relationships as they try to subconsciously resolve their Intimacy vs. Isolation stage†(p. 26-27). These individuals fear being alone or seek companionship; they may be involved in many relationships over the course of their college career as they attempt to solve this conflict. According to Boyd and Bee (2006), Erikson’s ‘Identity vs. Identity Confusion also has possible applications in the college setting (p88). Most first-year college students face the task of establishing their identity during their first weeks of school. These students may change their values and personalities, become involved with different social circles, try new things, and experiment with a variety of substances in order to find their niche and identity. The Identity vs. Identity Confusion conflict can also explain the creation and popularity of Greek letter and other social organizations. Learning and applying developmental theories has significantly added to my successes as both and Sunday School Teacher and beginning professional. Through the application of these theories, I find that I can better understand the situations and dilemmas that face those I work with each day. The background in theory allows me to ask more pertinent questions, allowing for students to clarify their feelings, often exposing underlying issues from their past. Students are more receptive to me because I seem to understand the many facets of their lives that affect their ehavior and academic performance. I genuinely care about those with whom I work. Life launch have me a blue print of how to use me sorrow and my victories in becoming a â€Å"Woman of Virtue†as it is portrait in Proverbs 31. Today I hold fast the God’s words that, God has restored my health and heal your wounds. References Boyd, D. , Bee, H (2006). Adult Development Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Hudson M. , Mcle an P (2006) Life Launch A Passionate Guide to the Rest of your Life: The Hudson Institute Press. My Personal Experience The Holy Bible.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nonverbal behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nonverbal behaviour - Essay Example Eye contact is a non-verbal behavior that is important in our culture and other because it confirms a person’s credibility. Eye contact is a non-verbal behavior that could indicate love, hostility or friendliness towards another individual. Hence, the way a person makes eye contact may indicate his intentions, which may be good or bad. The non-verbal behavior that I once violated was eye contact; it was when I was dropped out of school, it was very difficult for me to make an eye contact to my family that includes my parents’ and siblings. When I initiated conversation with my parents’ and siblings telling them about the school incident, I was continuously staring at the ground without making any eye contact due to fear and confusion. The responses I expect from my family vary a lot. My parent’s reaction was different as compared to my siblings. My parents were angry and sad, but my siblings found my behavior funny or full of lies. Hence, I got two diff erent reactions from my family. According to the expectancy violation theory, no verbal communication is the exchange of messages, which can violate the expectation of another individual, which can be taken negatively depending on the strength of ratio ship between the two people who are communicating. Thus, through my behavior I do violate the expectations of my parents and siblings. As a result, of my attitude, the outcome of my communication is perceived negatively. Because, â€Å"we learn what we consider being appropriate through our interactions with others and our culture"(Burgoon, 1993). Eye gaze is one of the most important variables in American as well as, other cultures. Eye contact is considered bad between a boy and a girl in many societies; however, in some cultures it is regarded as highly offensive if a person does not make an eye contact during a conversation. Consequently, this rule varies from culture to culture. A person working for a business should possess str ong non verbal communication skills, or it will be regarded as highly inappropriate. In the similar way, if we do not make eye contact with our teachers at school or college level, it will be regarded as a sign of weakness in a person’s personality. Eye contact is a strong way of communicating, a quick glance and an aggressive stare both are form of eye contacts but send different messages. One should be extremly careful as to when, how and where to use eye gaze as different cultures perceive it differently and could build a lot of misunderstanding between people. In business, one should not continuously stare another person while talking, instead staring, nodding and smiling would send appropriate messages to a business partner. Moreover, blinking fast and not making a proper eye contact could show feelings of nervousness and lack of confidence. Furthermore, in our culture long and stern stares send messages of animosity and hostility. In the same way, staring a stranger in some European countries is depicted as showing interest; on the other hand, in our society it would be taken as being disrespectful. In Asian countries in particular, brief eye contact is acceptable especially while talking to teachers, parents or business environments it shows kindness and respectfulness. Similarly, in Muslim cultures, communicating with a lower eye gaze is
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